Saturday, September 23, 2006

New Fall TV Season

OK so it has started, the new season. There are some shows worth watching at least once, some longer. I liked Smith, Close To Home, Kidnapped, Men In Trees, Til' Death, Happy Hour, and of course my old favorites, ER, Grey's Anatomy and there are more coming!!!! WOW !!!!

Celebrity Duets has lost one of the best singers that was on the show. Jai Rodriguez was really good and all I heard Hal Sparks do is scream. America has voted and that is that. Maybe I will still watch and maybe I won't, who knows.

My Mother-In-Law is still in the hospital. She went in Wednesday and she is still not putting out enough liquids to take the fluid from around her heart. What seems strange to me is that the kidney specialist released her but not her other doctors, if she is not putting out enough fluids doesn't that mean she has a kidney problem? Seems like a no brainer to me. Oh well.

My Mother fell yesterday morning in the bathroom, she is very sore but did not hurt her self
seriously, some bruises on arm and side. She has chemo next Wednesday and then the following Monday she has a CT Scan, Tuesday a PET Scan, and on Friday sees the Oncologist and the following Monday she gets a B-12 shot.

My husband and I have still not celebrated our 37Th anniversary. Today his truck is on the blink. Not sure what is wrong but maybe the transmission. If it wasn't for bad luck we would have no luck at all.

I did not go to work Friday, had some GI problem that has really whipped me, in fact I have not left the house since I came home from work on Thursday. I really need to go to the grocery store but not sure when I will make it.

I keep thinking I need some alone time and still have not been able to plan a get away. My brother is working out of town so I have no one to stay with Mom so here I will stay.

Received my two elephants from SC, they were made in Taiwan so that tells you how good they are and they wanted us to drive up there and get them. NO WAY. It would have cost more in gas than they are worth and I know it is not the price of a gift but let's not get ridiculous.

Stay healthy, have fun, love your family, stay in touch for tomorrow may never come!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Kick Ass Dancing

OK what a show. It seems like the dancers are better this season or maybe I expect less this season. Joey Lawrence did a remarkable job last night and the outfit his partner had on was unbelievable. I kept waiting for something to pop out but no mishaps. Vivica Fox looked good, that cartwheel was amazing but how did those melons stay in and she was in high heels. WOW!
Emmitt did a good job but not as good as last week. Mario did a real good dance but he did not do a quick step, surely he has had dance lessons. Monique was really good and showed her stuff.
Jerry Springer is doing much better than I thought he would. Sarah Evans was better but she is not a dancer.

Today is our 37th anniversary. We had plans but I think they have just been put on hold.
My mother-in-law called my husband, she is having shortness of breath and her kidneys are shutting down. Have to go and make some phone calls to see where she is. Pray for her.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

And So It Begins

Dancing With The Stars

Well, what do you think? I loved Mario Lopez, Emmett Smith, and Vivica Fox. They really did a good job of selling their dancing. Some of the others can go home now. I wanted Harry Hamlin to do better but we will have to wait and see if he improves. Actually Jerry Springer surprised me, he was better than I thought he would be. Who says you can't teach and old dog (man) new tricks. Monique also did a pretty good dance. Tonight will tell the tale, who goes, who stays, I voted, did you?

Can't wait for all the new shows and the return of my favorites.

Have a fun day and enjoy life. THE BEAT GOES ON.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

And Life Goes On

Chemo is poison, it's true! It kills the cancer cells hopefully. This last treatment has really zapped Mom. She has stayed in bed 85% of the time since last Thursday, some days she was in bed 20 hours out of 24. She is starting to get her strength back. She said she is not sure how much more of this she can take but she only has one more treatment scheduled at this time.
Would I take chemo? I don't know if I would or not, it depends on a lot, type of cancer, my age,
the prognosis. Is it worth the few more months you might get?

Tonight is the big night!!! Dancing With The Stars!!!! Will this year be as good as last year?
The stars are not the cream of the crop but it should be interesting, we will find out.

Come on General Hospital fans, Rick has to go, he is a SOB, I know it is a role he plays but
he makes you hate him, leave Sam alone, think of poor Alexis on her death bed.

Babe (AMC) make up your mind who you want - Josh or JR, you can't have both.
Jonathan and Amanda - NO NO NO - Lily wake up, Jonathan needs you and you need him.
Colby needs to go back to her Mother - she is a spoiled brat.

One Life To Live Todd forgive Blair after all she did for you.
Spencer and Paige are the parents of Hugh - NO WAY, does make for a good story line, will he put his Father in jail? Sure hope he does because Spencer needs to go to jail now.

Went to Macaroni Grill Saturday, the meal was really good and I loved, loved their bread.
Red Lobster on Sunday and my meal was good.

Remember family should be together on holidays, think Orlando not Paris.

Surf's up, even for old men!!! Just kidding. Catch a wave, hang 10, what ever.

Don't worry, be happy.