Thursday, August 31, 2006


What a joke. Had an appointment for a tecnician to come check out why I could not connect to the internet. They sent a tech who did not know anything about computers, even less than me.
I showed him the message I had printed out showing the problem and his response was "duh".
He then went outside and changed the cable lines which had been changed in the last few months. He looked at his read out and said ok it was fixed and to log on. The message I got said this page cannot be displayed, booted out and tried again, same message. He then suggested I call Roadrunner again while he was there. I told him it would be better if I did not call at this time because I was so mad that I knew I could not be nice to anyone at that point. At that time he said he had to go, so he left. By this time my blood pressure was 400 over 300 and I was so
very angry I could have spit nails. After I calmed down I called again and talked with someone and I had to unplug, plug, unplug, plug and finally I got internet connection. ROADRUNNER is not my favorite at this time to say the least.

Thank God for Charlene she helped me clean up my back bedroom last week end. She is such a big help and she always helps with a smile. Thank you for all your help.

Went out to lunch for Mother's birthday last Saturday and the nine of us had a very nice time.
The food was good and the company even better.

Hope everyone has a good Labor Day week end.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Thank God the week end is finally here. It was very busy at work this week.

On Monday I got a wonderful surprise at work, my big city boy sent me some gorgeous flowers!
It was such a surprise and they really made my day. The card was signed "just because" Bobby. Thank you son for thinking of me " just because".

Granny had her fourth chemo treatment Wednesday and this time she had some nausea and of course she is extremely tired and staying in bed a lot. She has two more treatments scheduled and then more scans.

I'm thinking about getting my hair cut short again. My grandson Charles wants me to color it red again, he does not like the white. So what should a grandmother do? Cut, perm, color ???
I need to find a stylist I like but so far no luck. Sure do miss David but I just did not like the shop he moved to. David get your own shop again, please!!!

The weather is yucky, raining now, guess I will just be lazy and do nothing.

Hope Butch and Sharon have a great week in Vegas, Bon Voyage. Win lots of money!!!

God speed to all.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Good and Bad news

Well went with Mom to see the Oncologist yesterday and we had mixed news. Two of the spots on her lungs are the same or maybe a little smaller and two others have gotten larger. She will be having three more chemo treatments and then a PET scan which is suppose to give more detail on the findings.

She said something to me yesterday that was very upsetting. She said she only thought she had three more good months to live. She said no one knows how bad she feels. I told her we can only know if she tells us. Most days she said she does not feel like even doing the dishes so I told her that she does not have to do them we will. She stopped doing the clothes several weeks ago and so I started doing them.

I want her to do as much as she can but I don't want her to feel like she has to do anything.
I just don't want her to give up. I want her to be happy and not just wither away. What is the happy medium? I don't know, someone please tell me.

Hoping that everyone has a super special weekend.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Mantra for my life

Life's a bitch....then you die!!! The world goes on without you. People forget, life goes on.
This is my new mantra to live by. One step at a time, day by day. I will survive!!!
I am me and I like myself and I can only be the best me that I can. I have me, myself, and I to depend on and that is all I can ask for.

God is there for me and he will be there whenever I need him.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Wow is it hot? I don't remember being this hot in all the years I've been in Florida. According to the weather men it is hot all over, what's going on? GLOBAL WARMING!!!!

Mom had her third round of chemo last Wednesday and it really did her in. All she wanted to do for four days was sleep. Each round of chemo is different.

My son is so sweet. He is always thinking of me. He told me he wanted some red towels because he wanted to change his bathroom and make it pop with color. What he didn't tell me was how hard it would be to find a red shower curtain to match the towels. Well (4) stores later I hope I found the right one. Will get these in the mail soon.

I also want to thank him for the book he sent me. He knows how much I like Evanowich books.

There are several shows on this summer that I like.
Angela's Eyes
The Closer
Kyle XY
America's Got Talent is just not good but I watch because my man Regis is the emcee.

Looking forward to going to the dinner theatre this week end with some of my friends.
We are going to see Grease so it should be fun.

Looking forward to cooler weather but no hurricanes to cool us off hopefully.

Keep smiling! Love to all!