Monday, October 30, 2006

Life Goes On

Well I did all this yesterday and of course the system went down.

This week will be busy. I am seeing a plastic surgeon today, having a PET scan tomorrow, seeing the oncologist on Friday and then will find out what I need to do. Everything I read says don't make any quick decisions and I am trying not to but it sure would be nice to know what to even think about doing.

Spent the weekend down with the family and enjoyed myself. It was nice to just get away and do nothing. Thanks for letting me visit.

Talked to Bobby yesterday and he seems to be enjoying life and his friends. I can't wait to hear about his trip to Paris and to see pictures. Go and have fun and eat lots of good French food.

Love to all

Monday, October 16, 2006


I had my favorite food today for lunch, Creme Brulee, one of the girls I work with made some for me and Jo. They tasted sooooo good. Actually we had a luncheon for all the birthdays in August,September, and October and we all brought something.
There are some really good cooks that work here.

Back to you later I need to go get some more sugar in my system to run my blood sugar up another 100 points because I am sure it is up now.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Yummy Dinner

Went out to dinner with (5) of my friends on Friday. They are being very supportive to me during these hard times with the family.

My Mother will not be having any more treatment for her cancer because it is spreading and they can not do anything else for her. Vitas Hospice has started coming to the house to help. The nurse comes once a week or more as needed, the aide comes two to three times a week.

My Mother-In-Law is in the hospital, she went in to have her pacemaker re-done, they had to put (5) leads in. She seems to be doing pretty good, her breathing seems a bit labored to me but she was in her procedure for four hours and she is 85 years old. She just wants to get back to her life at the legion, bingo, and honor guard. She is amazing for her age.

I have had a fair week end, get a little weepy at times, just want to get the biopsy done and see what it is in my breast, waiting has been very hard but the doctor I want was at a convention. I see him Tuesday and will find out what to do and when.

My husband goes to the dermatologist tomorrow to see if any more skin cancers have popped up.

Talked to both my boys this week end. Sure do love them, they make life worth living.
I love all my family and hope they all know how much they mean to me.

For my family I need your Christmas wish list. I want to get started soon. I have bought (3) gifts so far. I know what I want and I will be telling Santa real soon.

Send positive thoughts my way.

Love, Laughter, and Happiness and most of Health to all.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Well it seems like the cancer has spread, the chemo may have slowed it down for a short while but it has spread to more spots in her lungs and her left adrenal gland.
VITAS HOSPICE came yesterday and today to let us know what they can do for us.

I go to the doctor on the 17th to check out the mass I found in my left breast. The waiting is hard but I like the doctor so wait I must.

I was really sad that Vivica got voted off Dancing With The Stars. She was really good and gave a lot to her dancing. I still like the guys better.

By the way bad news travels fast. One of Mom's cousins called today to see how she was doing and Mom told her and the next thing we know her sister-in-law calls and then her nephew John called. The SC grapevine is still working!

Hope everyone has a good week and wishing good health to one and all.