Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Life Goes On

There has not been much going on with my family recently. Went to lunch Saturday with my husband and then back home. Sunday we went to visit my Mother-In-Law. She is amazing, she was outside doing yardwork and this lady is 85. She is like the Energizer Bunny, she just keeps going and going and going.

Next week Mom has Chemo again. I just hope she does as well as the last time. So Thursday is Chemo and Friday appointment with Oncologist. She is still very tired but other than that she has not had any problems.

Looking forward to a visit from my kids soon. Maybe we can go out and do some fun things.

Hope everyone is having a good summer so far.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Well the first treatment is over and it went very well. So far there have been no side effects but from what I'm told it can take 3-5 days. The nurse at MD Anderson was very nice. Mom was very nervous but she is a strong lady, she will persevere. Actually what is really funny is that I have been nauseous since her treatment, hopefully I will recover soon.

Mom was very pleased that my boys called to check on her and she talked to Bobby and it made her feel so good. Feeling loved and needed is so very important. I always enjoy talking to my boys, they are remarkable young men. They make me proud to be their Mother.

Butch and Sharon also called to check and see how she was doing.

Keep the phone calls coming!!! It does help.

I wish health and happiness to all.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Crazy Days

Well the last week has been very busy. Going to work, taking Mom to get blood work and to the doctor, spending the day with her on Friday at the hospital while she had her port put in. Her chemo starts on Wednesday, I will go to work leave and pick her up and get her settled for her treatment, go back to work and then pick her up and home we go, then on Thursday back to the doctor. I just hope the chemo works.

Saturday I went to the movies with my husband, we saw RV, it was very funny. We then went and had pedicures. My husband had his first pedicure and he seemed to really like it. By that time it was time to eat so Red Lobster here we come. It was a very enjoyable day.

I made pancakes for breakfast today and they turned out good. I would have preferred to go out but I guess it was ok to stay in.

I have a new favorite author her name is Fern Michaels. I really enjoy her books.

Love and kisses to all my family and friends.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Memorial Day

Just a little late with this posting. Memorial Day was a day of travel back home but Sunday we had a wonderful cook out. The food was good and the people were fun to be around. The oysters were just delicious, so big and salty, yum yum. We even found time to go shopping. I must also compliment the chef for the yummy peach cobbler. Thank you to the kids for having us down for the week end, it was very relaxing.

Not much else going on. TV is nothing to look forward to right now, just waiting for the new summer shows to start. Tired of Kendall being in a coma, wake up or die, who cares. I heard that Zach was leaving the show and that makes me very sad. Send J r to jail, do something.
Is the evil Dr. Madden going to kidnap Erica? Maybe she needs a little vacation.

Have a super day!