Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Life Goes On

So far I have received 6 out of 33 radiation treatments. They are done every day of the week except Saturday and Sunday. The treatments take about 15-20 minutes, the hard part is the positioning which has to be exact for every treatment. The ladies that work in the department are all very nice.

Not much going on here just a lot of rain. It has been real hot and the humidity is awful as usual.

Take care one and all.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Hot and Humid up here too! I think it is funny that I am walking around in 80 degee temps and not so bothered. People up here don't like the heat but I guess I am more used to it. Supposed to get up in the 90's later this week, so that wont be so nice! My AC is pulling loads of water out of the air. I have to empty the tank 2-3 times a night when I get home.