Friday, February 16, 2007

Chemo # 2

Well I had my second treatment yesterday and it went very well, no side effects. I had my head shaved on Tuesday because it was falling out everywhere and I just did not want it in my food. My oldest son told me to look on the bright side, at least mine will come back and his won't. Unfortunately both my sons took the bald gene from my side of the family. They also got the looking good gene from my side of the family so it ain't all bad.

Spent last week end with Tiger and family and had a super time. Just relaxed, went shopping, out to eat, pedicure and did some reading. Just a fun time. Thanks for letting me visit.

It has been almost a month since Mom died but it seems like it has been much longer I guess because she had been sick for such a long time. I still look for her at the kitchen table and in her room. I gave all her clothes to a friend who is having a garage sale at her house next week end and the proceeds go to the cancer society for breast cancer.

My brother came over to check and make sure I was ok last night. He has been working in Daytona all week. He has been walking every night to get in shape for the wedding coming up next month.

Blog you all again soon.


Bobby said...


Far from sista!
Far from...

Charlene said...

Well... On his head at least.....

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You deserve the best in life because you give the best. You are high earth in the zodiac. Venus in Capricorn gives you an emotional edge and extra motivation. You must surprise yourself at times, wondering where this extra drive comes from. It comes from your spirit and is the most valuable gift given to you at birth. It's your strong life force that carries you safely through life's challenges and helps you march on to victory over all obstacles.

Bobby said...

I still gots my hair sista mista... thinner, yes... but bald.. NO!

I am glad that some part of my body has no trouble getting thinner, even if it isn't my stomach or ass!