Friday, March 02, 2007

Side Effects

Well do you remember the old way of thinking of chemo ? Look bad, loose weight, vomiting, nausea, hair loss. Well I only have one of these and it is hair loss. I must say I am a very pretty bald lady (LOL). At least not ugly I hope. Everyone says I have a very nice shaped head. As far as the weight loss goes, well I have gained instead due to the steroids I take to help the treatment. So all the weight I lost is back almost. I think I would rather gain weight than all the other stuff.

I am slowly learning how to live without Mom being with me. I miss her so much and we had so many good times together. Shopping and going out to eat was fun. Still have a lot to do to notify people of her death because I just have not wanted to do all that but I will soon.

Love to all.


Bobby said...

Yeah... Christy told me you had a very nice shaped head last night.. How funny...

She told me Kai would open each gift I sent and go 'ahhh' and then walk it over to you... HOW CUTE!

She said the doctors have told her "Any Day Now" and that she probably wont make it until her due date...

You know, I sent Martha's people a reply the same second asking if they had any tickets on a different day because I would be gone April 2 - 9th.


Annette said...
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Charlene said...

Glad to see you are back! I am also glad that you are not having terrible side effects. We miss you over here and look forward to hanging out again soon.

I would love to see Kai (and possibly a new baby) when we are there.

p.s. Bobby said he didnt like the previous color of green. Do you like this one better Mom? What IS your favorite color. Jerome doesnt know. . .