Saturday, April 21, 2007

More Chemo

Good news, my hemoglobin is 11.4, that is great news. I was very nervous and scared on Wednesday the 18th when I had my first treatment of Taxol. Afraid of the unknown, how will this medicine effect me? Will I be ok? The good news is that I had no reaction to the treatment. Betty came and stayed with me and brought me home. However I was very tired and went to bed at 7:00 P.M.

On Thursday I had a mild reaction, everyone kept asking why my neck was so red so I took a look and not only was my neck red but so was my face and my chest area. It looked like a bad sunburn without blisters. I was very tired today but that got better in the afternoon.

At 1:40 A.M. Friday I woke up with reflux. Went to work and the nausea started about 5:00 A.M. I took my compazine and it did not work. Dr. G
gave me a prescription for zifran and that seemed to work. I was able to eat lunch with no problem. In the afternoon I developed bone pain in my legs and hips. Could not get comfortable no matter what I did. Then along came the numbness and tingling in the toes and I also lost the toenail on the big toe of my left foot. What a day !!!!

Saturday started with the same pain in lower body. This chemo is not as easy on me as the last regimen. Went to GNC and picked up some glusamine and vitamin b 6. This is going to help with the side effects. This is my life for the last few days. Now you may wonder how I feel and let me tell you not great but so very happy to be alive and to know that I am going to be cancer free because of all the things I am having to do at this time in my life.

I thank God for all my family and good friends. I have so much to be thankful for and each day is better because of these wonderful people in my life.

Keep me in your prayers and love to all.


Bobby said...

I just woke up from a 3 hour nap!

That is how exciting my life is...IM TIRED!

Lissa is in Boston and had a melt down and called me and begged me to come to Boston... He he..

Bobby said...

My fingers are crossed that you will do better with this weeks Chemo!