Sunday, December 07, 2008


Cannot believe that it is all ready December 7th. Where has the time gone?
I finally went to NYC for a visit with my son and I had a marvelous time.
We had a great Turkey Day meal and went to the movies to see Four Christmases. it was a really cute movie. I had the traditional dinner except that my stuffing had raisins in it. I just don't like raisins. Otherwise my meal was delicious. My almond lemon tart was soooo good. Bobby had duck and it was really tasty. We stopped by Whole Foods on the way home and he got his turkey dinner and I got fried chicken, really good.
We relaxed on Friday and Saturday and just watched TV. It was the type of visit when just being together was the best of times. I got lucky and slept on his bed and it is really comfortable.

My trip home was another story. We finally took off at 11:15, the turbulence was really bad, the girl next to me was sniffing all the way home, we got to Orlando on time but we had to fly around for a while because no one was landing due to weather conditions and finally we were told we were going to Jacksonville to refuel and wait for the all clear in Orlando. Finally got to Orlando between 4:30 and 5:00. What a day. Thank goodness I was off Monday all I did was relax because I was exhausted.

And then it happened on Wednesday, I got sick. Have not felt well since then, went to work all week but came home Friday morning at 7:15, have mostly been in bed since then. Taking all kind of junk, nothing seems to help. This to shall pass.

Not sure I am ready for Christmas but I will be before the 25TH.

Stay well, love to all.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Wow, first post in three months.. GO FIGURE!

I hope I didn't get you sick. The Greek finally admitted that he might have gotten me sick. I don't know, it is totally going around.

It took antibiotics and rest for me! CALL THE DOCTOR so you are healthy when I get home.

I have done NO Christmas shopping. I think we should go shopping AFTER Christmas, get stuff really cheap, and do Christmas on New Years!