Thursday, February 01, 2007

Major Melt Down

Well guys it finally hit me yesterday afternoon. My Mom is gone and I mean really gone. I knew this of course but it really hit me yesterday. I don't know if she forgave me or not for putting her in a nursing home and I feel like I should have done more to keep her at home. I can't talk to her and see if she is mad or just to say I love you and miss you more than I can convey with words. I hope she is happy where she is now and enjoying being with family and friends that went before her. Give some of them hell for what they did and give some of them love from here to there.

All I can say is that my friends here at work are super supportive and so very good to me. They talked to me yesterday at my lowest and helped me to just let my feelings out.

Christie and Kai came by to see us and spent a couple of hours visiting. Kai even had supper with us. He has a very healthy appetite. Christie did not know that Mom had died, I thought sure she did but I goofed.

I still love my new SUV. I feel like queen of the road.



Bobby said...

things work out as they should... and remember, you were not the only child... just the one who had major surgery and truly did everthing that you could do.... can you say the same about you sibling

Charlene said...

I agree. You did the very best you possibly could and you should never have any regrets. Look forward and dont dwell on things you cannot change.

This horoscope of yours couldnt be more true..
You always demonstrate a wonderful sense of responsibility to family and friends. Because of your basic integrity, you never have to look back. Making the best of what you have been given is the key to success. Mars in Capricorn gives you universal protection as well. Things aren't always perfect, but you seem to have a knack for working around the flaws without letting them sidetrack you. A keen sense of justice is another one of your fine qualities that always pulls you through the challenges.

The West Family Adventure said...

We enjoyed visiting with you and think about you often. Lots of love, Christy & Kai