Monday, April 24, 2006

Spring Break

Well, I'm back home from the big city. I had a super time with Bobby. We went to a play and to a movie and otherwise just walked around the city. Had the best cupcakes you could ever want from The Magnolia Bakery. The tulips were blooming and the streets were spring time lovely. The plane trip home was hell, flight was supposed to be at 7:30 P.M. We boarded the plane @ 9pm and actually left at 9:45pm. The wait at the airport was more than horrible, yelling, running, and screaming kids. Seats were hard to find and everyone was miserable. On the flight the turbulence was bad so there I sat praying that we would be safe. It sounded like the plane would fall apart. Not sure I like Delta. Thank you son for a super trip and for all the things you did and bought for me. I have never spent so little on a trip. You are very generous and I appreciate all you did and the time we had together. Have to go back to work tomorrow for two days then off again to visit my other son and his family for Charles' birthday. Have a super week everyone!


High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Bobby said...

Yes, we had a great time.


I miss you!

Charlene said...

Welcome home!