Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Why is it that we never have enough money for all the things we want? It would be nice to just be able to go shopping and not have to worry how much you spend. They say money doesn't buy happiness but sometimes I wonder. It sure makes me happy when there seems to be enough to pay all the bills, buy groceries, go out and have some fun and have a little left over just in case you need it.

This is my first full week back at work. I think I like vacation better, no I know I like vacation better. Thank goodness I like the people that work with me.

Tonight is American Idol. I think Chris will win but not sure I want him to be the American Idol. Taylor grows on me week by week but don't think he could be the winner. Elliott has the voice but not the "charisma". Paris is not mature enough to be the top singer so that leaves Katherine. We'll see. Hopefully Paula won't be incoherent this week. Ryan stop talking so much and cool the sarcasm towards Simon, enough is enough.

My older son and his family might come to Orlando this week end, of course if the waves are good Orlando is out for him. He loves to surf.

Hope everyone has a super week and enjoys the beautiful weather we are having right now.

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