Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Wow is it hot? I don't remember being this hot in all the years I've been in Florida. According to the weather men it is hot all over, what's going on? GLOBAL WARMING!!!!

Mom had her third round of chemo last Wednesday and it really did her in. All she wanted to do for four days was sleep. Each round of chemo is different.

My son is so sweet. He is always thinking of me. He told me he wanted some red towels because he wanted to change his bathroom and make it pop with color. What he didn't tell me was how hard it would be to find a red shower curtain to match the towels. Well (4) stores later I hope I found the right one. Will get these in the mail soon.

I also want to thank him for the book he sent me. He knows how much I like Evanowich books.

There are several shows on this summer that I like.
Angela's Eyes
The Closer
Kyle XY
America's Got Talent is just not good but I watch because my man Regis is the emcee.

Looking forward to going to the dinner theatre this week end with some of my friends.
We are going to see Grease so it should be fun.

Looking forward to cooler weather but no hurricanes to cool us off hopefully.

Keep smiling! Love to all!

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Yes, I am sweet!!!