Saturday, August 19, 2006


Thank God the week end is finally here. It was very busy at work this week.

On Monday I got a wonderful surprise at work, my big city boy sent me some gorgeous flowers!
It was such a surprise and they really made my day. The card was signed "just because" Bobby. Thank you son for thinking of me " just because".

Granny had her fourth chemo treatment Wednesday and this time she had some nausea and of course she is extremely tired and staying in bed a lot. She has two more treatments scheduled and then more scans.

I'm thinking about getting my hair cut short again. My grandson Charles wants me to color it red again, he does not like the white. So what should a grandmother do? Cut, perm, color ???
I need to find a stylist I like but so far no luck. Sure do miss David but I just did not like the shop he moved to. David get your own shop again, please!!!

The weather is yucky, raining now, guess I will just be lazy and do nothing.

Hope Butch and Sharon have a great week in Vegas, Bon Voyage. Win lots of money!!!

God speed to all.


Bobby said...

Call David and see when you can get in.. He is at the back of the shop and you wont have to deal with anyone else...

Annette said...

David is out of my reach at this time and Michael always comes to his station and talks.

Charlene said...

Go to someone you can afford!! GO RED!

Bobby said...

Michael NEVER comes near his station when I am there. Call David and ask what day he is there pretty much by himself. Just do it! You will be happy you did!