Thursday, May 31, 2007

Taxol # 6 and # 7

Things are looking better. I only have 5 more treatments of chemo and then I start my radiation for 33 treatments. If things don't change I will be finished in September. It has been a long road and I have not felt real good, the main problem being extremely tired all the time but I have felt better yesterday and today than I have in a very long time. Prayer has helped me more than I can say, I am not a deeply religious person but God has been there for me and he has answered many of my prayers over the years and he is helping me now to deal with this crisis in my life. My point being is pray everyday and believe in God.

I spent a very lazy weekend. All I did was a little shopping. Bought a new washer and dryer on Saturday, picked up my computer from Best Buy, got a new monitor and now my mouse does not work, oh well I hope to go shopping this weekend and get a mouse. Had dinner at Houlihan's Saturday evening, it was ok. Spent all day Sunday at home.

Monday went to grocery store and bought a beautiful sirloin and some short ribs and Mac cooked them on the grill Monday afternoon and they turned out delicious. We had the same for dinner on Tuesday because there was so much left and I even had more left which I froze for my next batch of vegetable beef soup.

Talked to Charlene and Charles on Sunday and they are having a good time in Hawaii. My son was sleeping when I called. Talked to Bobby and he stays so busy all the time but he seems to love his life so I am very happy for him. Hopefully next year we can go on some more trips and I hope to make my trip to NYC again real soon.

Peace, joy, and love to all. Keep praying for me.



Annette said...

Bobby fix my mistakes in my blogs and feel free to add pictures

Bobby said...

I can't wait for me to show you PARIS!

And yes, you can come up here and stay a couple weeks with me!!! You will love my couch!