Thursday, March 02, 2006

OK so I watched One Tree Hill. What a powerful show. Remember we all have feelings, be kind to someone, make a new friend, show compassion, life is not always a bowl of cherries. I thought the entire cast did a great job, but someone needs to do away with Dan. He is a SOB!

American Idol was good. I was glad to see Brenna leave because she was "too something"...hard to describe exactly what, but too something! Heather was just soso. However I did like David, of course I like the golden oldies. Sway needed to be gone. I never did like his voice. I did think Paula was just a little stoned on something. She is too weird sometimes.

Jury Duty was one long day in the assembly room. I never got called to a case. The seating was horrible and I could not get comfortable, but I did my civic duty for the year.

The ABC soaps were ok today. On AMC I thought Simone was a little overdressed for Ethans' funeral. I wonder if Dixie ever show her face? On OLTL, Todd was up to his old tricks. I hope he finally gets Spencer. On GH the funeral for Courtney was nice. Poor Nicholas, at least he did look hot today.

What do you think?

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